Remember... stars may shine, but candles can also lead us out of the darkness. Go out and let your light shine!"
Florence LaRue

“Grace in Your Second Act, A Guide To Aging Gracefully, by icon, Christian, sister and friend, Florence LaRue is a must-read for every person living in or approaching the age not defined as young. Personally, I wish Florence had written this book when I was twenty, it would have prevented many mistakes and heartaches! Florence’s book is pure knowledge that we all need for managing and thriving as we transition from youth to maturity. Christians will find a special connection with this book, however, you need not believe in Faith to benefit from the health, wellness, and emotional gifts, which Florence offers to every reader. This book is a life-changer.”
-Kathy Ireland
Chair, CEO of Kathy Ireland Worldwide
Filled with anecdotes and lessons learned over fifty years as a performer and singer for the legendary group, The 5th Dimension, Florence LaRue has written the ultimate how-to book on aging gracefully.
With twenty-seven chapters containing insights on style, beauty, simplifying life, fitness, diet, spirituality and more, this book will help you embrace aging gracefully. Florence LaRue is living, breathing proof that while youth is a gift of nature, age is a work of art.
Founding Member Florence LaRue Leads The 5th Dimension